Grievance Readressal Cell

As suggested by UGC New Delhi, the college has established an grievance redressal cell (GRC), to provide a mechanism for redressal of student’s /teaching and non-teaching staff grievances an ensure the transparency at work-place in admission and prevention of unfair practices etc. The function of the cell is to look the complaints lodged by aggrieved students /staff members and judge its merit. The GRC is also empowered to look into matters of harassments anyone with a guanine grievance may approached the department members in person or in consultation with the officer in-charge GRC. In case the person is unwilling to appear in self, grievances may be dropped in writing at the suggestion boxes of the Grievance Cell. Grievance may also be sending email to the officer-in-charge of GRC.

Sr. No.Names of MembersDesignation
1Dr. Archana B. Jain  ( Hon’ble Principal )Chair- Person
2Dr. Nita Khandekar
Contact e-mail –
3Dr. Shubhangi B. NardeMember
4Dr. Indira BudheMember
5Prof. M. B. KurveMember
6Ms. Tejeshwari TembhareMember


In order to meet the increasing legitimate expectations of the students and staff for better, faster and more effective service, S.S. Girls’   college shall constantly endeavor to improve its service, rules, standards and capabilities. S. S. Girls’ College expects all its officers and employee to maintain highest standard of integrity and transparency in their working conditions with students and staff.

A grievance is a documented manifestation of dissatisfaction of student / staff. Such dissatisfaction, if left unaddressed and unresolved, could endanger the life line of the S. S. Girls’ College, and erode its image. It is therefore expected that all employs shall devote attention, time and efforts at resolving the grievance of the student and staff within the frame- work of grievance redressal cell guidelines and the terms of the policy.


The students may lodge grievance about any academic and non-academic matters related to:-

  1. Timely issue of duplicate mark-sheet transfer certificate, conduct certificate or other examination and scholarship related matters.
  2. Dues and payments for various items from the library, hostels and other financial matters.
  3. Certain misgivings about conditions of sanitation, availability of transport, victimization by teachers and any other offensive activity.


  1. The cases will be attended promptly on received of written grievances from the students and staff members.
  2. The cell formally will   review all cases and will act accordingly as per the management policy.
  3. The cell will give report to the authority about the cases attend to and the number of pending cases.  In any, which required directions and guidance from the higher authority.


  1. The staff member / students may feel free to put up a grievance in writing to the incharge of the GRC Cell or drop it in the suggestion boxes.
  2. Students / staff members can register their complaints through an email to incharge of the GRC cell or put online complaints through the Google form given below.

Submit your Grievances :
Through e-mail –

Through Google Form – CLICK HERE