About library

“Library is Trinity of Books, Reader and Staff”
By S. R. Ranganathan
Five Laws of Library and Information Science

  1. Books are for Use
  2. Every reader has his or her Book.
  3. Every Book has it’s reader.
  4. Save the time of reader
  5. Library is growing Organism.

By S. R. Ranganathan
Father of Library Science in India

Dr.S.R.Ranganathan :Early life & Education:-

Ranganathan began his professional life as a mathematician; he earned B.A. and M.A. degrees in mathematics from Madras Christian College in his home province, and then went on to earn a teaching license. His lifelong goal was to teach mathematics, and he was successively a member of the mathematics faculties at universities in Mangalore, Coimbatore and Madras (all within the span of five years). As a mathematics professor, he published a handful of papers, mostly on the history of mathematics. His career as an educator was somewhat hindered by a handicap of stammering (a difficulty Ranganathan gradually overcame in his professional life). The Government of India awarded Padmashri to Dr. S.R. Ranganathan in 1957 for valuable contributions to Library Science.

About Library:

College library is running since the establishment of S. S. Girls’ College in the year 1970. The college has well established Library which cater the need of the Undergraduate and Post Graduate students, research scholars and the faculty.

The library functions on an open access system for the faculty members and the research scholars but the students have only a limited open access.

The library has rich collection on science and Technology, Social Science, Management, Education, Physical education and Home science. It covers Books, Reference Books,Books, E-books,Journals, E- Journals, Theses, and Dissertation, Online Databases, and Reports, back holdings of Journals, Proceedings of Seminar, and conferences.

The college library has collection around 30,000 books and periodicals, journals, it subscribed 26 journals in various discipline.The Library reading Facilities are open every day for use from 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on all working days. during vacations the timings are from 10.30a.m.to 5.30 p.m.

The library is administered by college librarian Ms. Rajashree D. Wagh with the assistance of four library attendant and two supporting staff the library advisory committee is there for policy making, with the Honorable principal as its’ chair person and Librarian as its’ Secretary.

Miss. Rajashree D. Wagh
Contact: 09527662179
Email – rajashree4422@rediffmail.com

Library Staff

Miss. Rajashree D. Wagh
Designation: Librarian
Qualification: M.Lib.Sci.,SET.
Experience: 06Years
Contact No.:09527662179
Technical Knowledge: M.S.C.I.T. Library Softwares, Open sources software
Email Id: rajashree4422@rediffmail.com ,
Mr. Neware
Designation: Library Attendant
Qualification: S.S.C.
Joining Date : 1-4-1986
Experience: 27 Years
Contact No.:- 8805443580
Designation: Library Attendant
Qualification: B. Com.
Joining Date : 01-08-1991
Experience: 22 Years
Contact No.:- 8007835150
Technical Knowledge: 40wpm Marathi, 50wpm English.
Mr. M. R. Thakre
Designation: Library Attendant
Qualification: HSC
Joining Date: 15-12-2003
Experience: 12 Years
Contact No. :- 0807753616
Designation: Library Attendant
Qualification: S.S.C.
Joining Date: 15-12-2003
Experience: 12Years
Contact No.:09923227305
Technical Knowledge: M.S.C.I.T
Smt. Jyoti M. Ambedare
Designation: Peon
Qualification: S.S.C.
Joining Date: 22-08-2006
Experience: 09Years
Contact No.:08551861938
Technical Knowledge: M.S.C.I.T, Typing 30Marathi, 40 English

Library Advisory Committee: –

The Library Committee plays a vital role in enhancing and developing the library services, making suitable policies that will help the library to render its best. The committee holds four meetings every year. If required more meetings are also held.Generally the first meeting is held in the month of August, in which Library Budget, allotment of funds to all the departments, previous year’s stock taking report and other issues related to library and its services are taken up with the permission of the chairperson of the library committee for discussion. Library committee constituted with chairperson, Secretary, Members from teaching faculty and students Representative.

Aims and objectives:

  1. To consider and put forward the views of faculty members regarding books/journals selection, ordering process etc.
  2. To consider and put forward the views of students and Research Scholars regarding their problems and solutions sought thereof.
  3. To strengthen the efforts of the librarian in planning library activities and Policies.
  4. To take the feedback from the departments and plan for improvement and Enrichment of the library.
  5. To act as liaison between the library and the readers
  6. To give development proposals for the library
  7. To take policy decision
  8. To provide directions for structural and balance growth of the library.
  9. To ensure updating of the library
  10. To suggest improved facilities and innovative services
  11. To utilize allocated funds for library developments
  12. To introduce development program as per requirement of the users.

At present following are the members of Library Advisory Committee


Dr. N.K.Bahekar Hon’ble Principal
Email Id:


Dr. R. S. Lilhare (Nagpure) Designation : Associate Professor
Qualification: M.Sc (Home Sci.)
Experienced: 25 Years
Contact no :
Email Id :


Dr. Indira Budhe (Sapate) Designation : Associate Professor
Qualification: M.A.,M.Phil, (Eng Lit) PHd.
Experienced: 13 Years
Contact no :
Email Id:


Student Representive

Coming Soon


Miss. Rajashree D. Wagh Designation: Librarian
Qualification: M.Lib.Sci.,SET.
Experience: 06Years
Contact No.:09527662179
Technical Knowledge: M.S.C.I.T. Library Softwares, Open sources software
Email Id: rajashree4422@rediffmail.com ,

Library Collection

S.S. Girls’ College having a well furnisher and well equipped library.Having most renowned collection on various subjects. Collections are developed by Decision of Library advisory committee ,librarian and library staff by buying or otherwise acquiring materials over a period, based on assessment of the information needs of the library’s users.

  • Total Collection : 28116
  • News Papers : 27
  • Magazines : 45
  • Journals : 26