College calendar 2015-16



SESSION 2015-16

1 Monday 15/06/2015 College opening
2 Sunday 21/06/2015 International Yoga Day
3 Monday 6/07/2015 Principal’s address to B.A. Part – I
4 Wednesday 8/07/2015 Principal’s address to B.Sc. Part -I
5 Saturday 11 /07/2015 World Population Day
6 Sunday 9/08/2015 Kranti Diwas
7 Tuesday 11/08/2015 Library Day
8 Wednesday 12/08/2015 Yuva Diwas
9 Saturday 15 /08/2015 Independence Day
10 Monday 17/08/2015 Late Manoharbhai Patel Death annversary
11 IVth Week of August Ist Unit Test Examination
12 Ist Week of Sept. Parents- Teacher Meet & Alumni Meet
13 Saturday 5/09/2015 Teachers Day
14 Tuesday 8/09/2015 World Literacy Day
15 Monday 14/09/2015 Hindi Diwas
16 Thursday 24/09/2015 NSS day
17 Friday 2/10/2015 Mahatma Gandhi & Lal Bhadur Shastri Jayanti
18 IInd Week of October IInd Unit Test Examination
19 Monday 9/11/2015 to 8 /12/2015 Winter Vacation
20 Wednesday 9/12/2015 College opening
21 Thursday 26/11/2015 Constitution Day
22 Monday 30/11/2015 Anti- Dowry Day
23 Tuesday 1/12/2015 AIDS Day
24 Thursday 10/12/2015 Human Rights Day
25 IVth Week of December IIIrd Unit Test Examination
26 Monday 28/12/2015 to 1st Week of January NSS  Residential Camp
27 Ist Week of January Parents –Teacher Meet & Alumni Meet
28 Sunday 3/01 2016 Savitribai Phule Jayanti
29 Tuesday 12/01/2016 Maa Jijausaheb Jayanti
30 Thursday 14/01/2016 Geography Day
31 3rd Week of January Annual Social Gathering
32 IIIrd Week of January Annual College Test Examination
33 Tuesday 23/01/2016 Netaji Subashchandra Bose Jayanti
34 Thursday 25/01/2016 Voters Day
35 Friday 26/01/2016 Republic Day
36 Tuesday 30/01/2016 Mahatma Gandhi Death Anniversary
37 Tuesday 9/02/2016 Late Manoharbhai Patel Jayanti
38 Saturday 27/02/2016 Marathi Diwas & Kusumagraj Jayanti
39 Tuesday 8/03/2016 World Women’s Day
40 Sunday 1/05/2016 to 14/06/2016 Summer Vacation


Besides, above said activity the Programs of Govt. Department & time to time program by an order of principal will be undertaken.

