Ku.Yogita Shriram Dhomane


  1)  Full name                                          : Ku.Yogita  Shriram  Dhomane

  2)  Designation                                      :   Assistant Proffesor.

  3) Contact information                         :  C/o Shriramji  B. Dhomane,

                                                                              Ganj ward Gondia.

                                                                            Dist . Gondia.( Mah.)

                                                                              Mob No.8087758368                                                                                           

  4) Email ID                                               :   yogita.dhomane@yahoo.com

  5) Academic qualification:



   Degree                Institution/University         Year of passing
B.Sc.[Home Scie] R.T.M.Nagpur University ,Nagpur               1996
M.Hsc. Pt.Ravishankar Shukla University , Raipur               1998
M.A. R.T.M.Nagpur University ,Nagpur               2011
M.Phil. The Global Open University , Nagaland.               2009
N.E.T. U.G.C.Delhi               2011
S. E.T.  University of  Pune               2011




6). Technical Knowledge:  1)  Maharastra State Certificate in Information Technology  (MS-CIT )

                                               2)  Course on Computer Concept    ( C C C + )                                               


7) Area of specialization:  :  Home Economics


8) Award/Achievements   :   ——–


9) Any additional information such as Life membership/Associate ship etc :  

Permanent membership of Vishwashanti multipurpose society  (    IJRBAT – International  journal of researches in biosciences , Agriculture and technology .  IJRSSIS –  International  journal of researches in  Social sciences and information studies. )


10) National  Seminar Conducted: (Co-ordinator)


r. No. National Seminar Title Held on Place









      11) Seminar / Conference/ Workshop/Symposium (National /International) Details:

Sr. No. Workshop (Attended) National Topic/ Place/Date
1 7 days Workshop National                 “  Reaserch Methadology and Statistics ”

             S .S.Girls College, Gondia

             3rd  October to 9th October 2015

2 One day


national              Syllabus Orientation Programme

             Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya Nagpur

             14th September 2016

1 (State) One Day Regional Workshop on

“ Library Staff & Information Technology”

held on 10th January 2010 at Kisanlal Nathmal

Arts & Commerce College, Karanja(Lad) Dist. Washim




  1. ii) National/State Seminar Details


Sr. No. Seminar & Theme National / State Topic (Presented Paper) Place & Date
1 One Day

“ Recent  trends in teaching and learning English “

Natioinal Attained S.s. Girls College Gondia

January 12th 2013

2 One Day

“ The chemistry of cosmetics and its impact on  human health “

National “Impacts of Coismetics on the social health of human being ” S.s. Girls College Gondia

October   26th  2013

3 One Day

“ Indian Democracy  Continuity            and change “

National Attained S.s. Girls College Gondia

October   11th  2014

4 One day

“ Innovative Practices in library and Information services

National Attained S.s. Girls College Gondia

November 4th  2015







iii) Conference/ Symposium Details


Sr. No. Conference / Symposium & Theme National / State Topic (Presented/Published Paper Title) Place & Date
1  International   Interdisciplinary conference on reaserch in behavioural sciences

 “ THE ROAD AHEAD  2013 “


International Use of Reaserch Tools  & Software Sant Gadge Baba Amravati university (M.S. ) India.

 October  17th –  18th of  2013.



  1. iv) Research Paper published in Journals


Sr. No. Journal Name Print/ Online Volume No. ISSN No. Inter

National/ National

Paper Title Published By
1 International Journal of reasearches in social sceince and information studies


Pront —– 2347-8209 International Social Adjustment of Children of Working and Non Working mother


Vishwashanti multipurpose society , Nagpour  , India

      Dt.  May  23rd,  24th  and 25th of 2014  at Hotel  Bangkok Palace , Bangkok , Thailand