College has NSS Unit actively working since 1970. It has one and half unit having 150 students participating in different activities. Our institution was awarded as Best College in the university in the session 2018-19. The unit is runned under the leadership of Dr. Kavita Rajabhoj. She received the best program officer award in the session 2018-19. 

Aims & Objectives

  • To remove obstacles by maintaining close relationships with our society where we are living.
  • To encourage the leadership skills of students.
  • To teach the utilization of academic education.
  • To create willingness in students to serve the poor.
  • To understand the various structures of doings and work on it.

NSS Activity Reports Session-wise

Sr. No.NSS Reports (Session wise)Document Proof
1Session 2021-22Download
2Session 2020-21Download
3Session 2019-20Download
4Session 2018-19Download
5Session 2017-18Download

NSS Activities and participation

Sr. No.Name of the activityOrganising unit/ agency/ collaborating agencyYear of the activityNumber of students participated in such activities
1 International Envirment Day S.S.J. College, Arjuni/mor 2021-2240
2International Yoga Day  College2021-2215
3World Plantation Day College2021-2218
4Essay Competition College2021-2215
5Poster Competition College2021-2215
6 Poster CompetitionK.T.S. Hospital Gondia  2021-22 45
7Teachers Day College2021-220
8Malaria Training programMalaria Department, Gondia2021-2245
9Malaria Sarvection programMalaria Department, Gondia2021-2245
10Malaria Awareness rallyMalaria Department, Gondia2021-2245
11Poshanaahar Program College2021-2240
12 NSS Foundation Day College 2021-21 40
13Swachhata Shapath College2020-2110
14 Contitutional Day  College 2021-22 10
15Swachhata Shapath College 2021-22 10
16 Gandhi Jayanti  College 2021-22 42
17AIDS Awareness ProgramCollege2021-2250
18AIDS AwarenessK.T.S. Hospital Gondia  2021-223
19Food Planate Program  Vegan Out rich Orgnazation 2021-22 41
20 Yin District Level Selection Camp  College 2021-22 42
21National Communal HarmonyCollege2021-2240
22Gandhi Death Aniversary/Martyrs Day College2021-220
23International Womens DayCollege2021-22100
24Covid -19 Awereness ProgramCollege2021-22 
25NSS CAMPCollege Guidence various Govt. & Non Govt. Sector2021-2275
26 International Envirment Day S.S.J. College, Arjuni/mor 2020-2140
27International Yoga Day  College2020-2145
28Prerna CampState Level2020-2110
29Grain Distribution College2020-2115
30World Plantation Day College2020-2118
31 International Organ Donets DayK.T.S. Hospital Gondia  2020-21 45
32Teachers Day College2020-210
33 NSS Foundation Day College 2020-21 50
34Swachhata Shapath College2020-2110
35 Contitutional Day  College 2020-21 10
36 Gandhi Jayanti  College 2020-21 50
37AIDS Awareness ProgramCollege2020-2150
38T. B. Awareness ProgramDistrict Tuberculosis Officer,Gondia2020-2196
39National Communal HarmonyCollege2020-2140
40Basic Preparation of Comparative ExaminationGlobel Acadwmy Nagpur2020-2140
41Gandhi Death Aniversary/Martyrs Day College2020-210
42International Womens DayCollege2020-21100
43Covid -19 Awereness ProgramCollege2020-21 
44Aavhan CampState Level2019-2012
45Drama PresentationWAMA, Mahila Polis Dal. 2019-20 30
46Matdan Janjagruti Speech CompetitionZilha Parishad Gondia,  Gondia Level 2019-205
47Maharangoli  AbhiyanZilha Parishad Gondia,  Gondia Level 2019-2050
48International Yoga Day  College2018-1945
49BANMAHOTSAV College2018-1925
50Dirstic Level NRD  Selection College2018-1970
51Teachers Day College2018-190
52 NSS Foundation Day College 2018-19 50
53Swachhata Shapath Abhiyan College2018-1910
54 Contitutional Day  College 2018-19 10
55 Gandhi Jayanti  College 2018-19 50
56Dirstic Level Yuva Mahiti doot Workshop  College 2018-19 40
57Gandhi Death Aniversary/Martyrs Day College2018-1930
58International Womens DayCollege2018-19100
59Andha Shradha NirmulanCollege2018-19100
60World Plantation Day College2017-1818
61Teachers Day College2017-180
62 NSS Foundation Day College 2017-18 50
63Swachhata Shapath College2017-1810
64 Contitutional Day  College 2017-18 10
65 Gandhi Jayanti  College 2017-18 50
66AIDS Awareness ProgramCollege2017-1850
67Gandhi Death Aniversary/Martyrs Day College2017-180
68International Womens DayCollege2017-18100